What Is A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)?
Some of the markers giving us feedback about our health include: How well we are able to respond and cope with stressful situations on a daily basis? Are we able to create the energy needed for our daily demands or are we experiencing any symptoms of dis-ease?
This gives us important feedback; however it is entirely based on an individual’s feeling or interpretation of what is happening.

If we want to take it a step further and find out what is going on inside the body on a cellular level and actually see tangible data, there is two specific lab tests that we as Root Cause Protocol Consultants use that takes out the guessing and actually give us a clear picture of what is going on inside the tissues.
The first test is the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). A HTMA is basically your personal fingerprint and stress-energy profile. It’s a set of patterns that are produced from an individual in how their minerals are being laid down in the tissues. It’s a very accurate way to show the degree of dysregulation that someone is experiencing. A small amount of hair is used to evaluate the hairs mineral and heavy metal content. This information is very valuable because it gives us roughly 3-4 month’s worth of accumulated data about what the body is experiencing, exposed to and eliminating. It’s a powerful and easy tool to monitor mineral levels and at the same time a non-invasive procedure. We use the hair because it is one of the places in which the body eliminates minerals and heavy metals and it provides a blueprint of biochemistry occurring during the period of hair growth and development.
The HTMA results will show various nutritional elements and mineral levels in your body such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, iron, zinc, selenium, and more. The results will also give us inside into adrenal health, thyroid health, liver health, digestion, stress response, blood sugar balance, levels of toxic heavy metals and inflammation. It will also show the metabolic type for each person which basically is the way each person metabolises the minerals, however the metabolic type has got nothing to do with metabolism as a whole body’s metabolic rate.
Essentially, we are looking for how much stress has a person been under and how much dysregulation therefore does that person represent in their mineral pattern that’s laid down in the hair and then create a personalised solution.
Blood is homeostatic, meaning the blood has the capacity to balance itself in essential minerals at the expense of cell and tissue reserves of these same minerals.
The cell is life, and it might be losing essential minerals such as sodium and potassium while the blood reveals what appears to be normal levels of these two minerals. What happens at the cell shows up first while the blood is a late indicator. So, you might show signs and symptoms of low potassium and sodium deficiency, but the blood results are normal.
The balances between these essential nutrient minerals are more easily disrupted in the cells and tissues than they are in the blood which is why deficiencies and excesses of minerals are more readily observed in an HTMA than in a blood analysis or urinalysis. Therefore, an HTMA is often an earlier indicator of a trend towards health problems (physical and psychological) than is a blood analysis or urinalysis. This fact is very important, especially when considering dis-ease prevention or creating and maintaining optimal health!